Category: Journey

  • Three times in a lifetime

    May 1st, 2009  I grew up in a small town in Alabama in big house with white columns with three sisters. It had the usual, spacious, formal rooms, and a big den with a wall of books, the best TV available with all the cable channels available then, and a big fireplace that added to…

  • Send Grits

    January 30th, 2009 (And Duke’s Mayo, Maker’s Mark and Smucker’s Organic Peanut Butter) As someone involved in visual communications who has done her fair share of corporate identity projects, the word “branding” most often makes me cringe. People misuse it and most often you hear it from clients who have no idea what they are…

  • Barking with a British Accent

    Originally published: January 3rd, 2009  Written on New Year’s Day Sparkie and I have arrived in London. Our last few days in Atlanta were a rush of activity. When I found it was going to be cost prohibitive to ship many of my things, I scrambled to re-pack. Kristin Ruby threw a fantastic going away…

  • The Longest Night of the Year

    Originally published: December 23rd, 2008 Last night, the winter solstice, I found out just how long one night could be. I’m behind on my packing and couldn’t sleep. Just before 2am my phone rang, I saw who was calling and thought that my friend was just calling because she had a few drinks and wanted…

  • Holiday Decor

    Originally published: December 17th, 2008 Well, I’m finally packing. I have a student visa, paperwork is in order, and I can’t believe that I am walking off the face of the earth as I know it. My friend Liz made me this beautiful wreath. But since I am not decorating or taking anything that fragile…

  • Don’t Cry for Me

    November 23rd, 2008  Last year, for the first time, I showed my fine artwork publicly. Because my design career requires that so much of my work is about others, I have guarded my fine art as private.  At parties, my painting studio has been a popular place for people who are interested in art.  There…