Category: London

  • Identity update

    May 22nd, 2012 After the purge of words on my previous identity art, I posted a question on Facebook for my friends to contribute positive verbiage in order for me to reconstruct a view of myself that was healthy. I took these words and quotes and painted over the sad, painful imprints of my past.

  • Stranded on a Sandbar

    or I need a Holliday February 25th, 2012 Sunrise, Casa Carabeña, Tulum Mexico I haven’t been writing much. In Mexico on my first real grown-up holiday EVER, I realized that I’ve been hanging onto my sandbar. In the ocean, but not in the swim. Calculating and pondering my next route, but I hadn’t quite taken…

  • Identity reprint

    August 1st, 2011 After my MA, I realized that the constant thread through much of my fine art and through the projects for my MA was a concept of identity and community. My tethers to different communities have faded and others become strong bonds. My definition of family has shifted and grown to include a…

  • The question

    Posted on October 22, 2010 on When I graduated from Auburn University with a degree in Visual Communications, I had learned the elements and principles of design in order to apply them to all things that communicated visually. I learned about advertising and marketing and how business operated. Faithfully,  I practiced the methodology in which I…

  • Lasting Inspiration

    Posted on May 9, 2011 on Cotier was a famous illustrator, racking up awards in airbrush illustration early in my career. If one wanted to hire Cotier, one talked to Bonnie, the studio assistant. Cotier was a recluse. Cotier couldn’t be bothered chatting to the clients. Bonnie went to do speeches for Cotier. She met with…

  • The Camellia Commitment

    April 7th, 2011 · No Comments This is my Ruby Wedding Camellia It isn’t that I am a commitmentphobe, it is just that when I do commit to something, I take it seriously. I don’t know when to quit even when the situation is no longer healthy or in my best interest. So it was a surprise…

  • I Pour Tea

    March 11th, 2011 So why don’t ya hire me? I just completed another 9 pages of essays, CV, and information for a job application. That doesn’t count the form I filled out as well. I have a CV that is completely stripped of all my accomplishments and half my work that I used to submit…

  • Just another American cheerleader

    November 17th, 2010 Yeah, I had the pep and I had the steam! I was watching yet another video about job searching, this one on the elevator pitch. The woman with the bad bleach job was explaining how it is done. “You don’t want to sound like some American cheerleader.” She said derisively. Great. I…

  • A red exclamation point!

    July 28th, 2010 ©2010 Michelle French There it was. A big red exclamation point. An email from my sister on a Sunday morning. I had gotten up, checked email, made coffee and then went back to the comfort of my bed to watch BBC News. I had hoped it would lull me back to sleep.…

  • Friends with insurance

    March 22nd, 2010 Today, I blocked the feed from a few of my Facebook “friends.” When I first got my Facebook account, I would send a message to anyone from my hometown that wished to “friend” me that I did not wish to be insulting, but my friends are artists, designers, professors, politicians and theologians—all…