Category: Grad School
The question
Posted on October 22, 2010 on When I graduated from Auburn University with a degree in Visual Communications, I had learned the elements and principles of design in order to apply them to all things that communicated visually. I learned about advertising and marketing and how business operated. Faithfully, I practiced the methodology in which I…
The Master of Facebook
February 4th, 2010 When one of your teachers looks at you and says “I would not want to be doing this course at our age,” you do wonder about yourself. The course was brutal for someone who hadn’t been in college since before most of my classmates were born. But I made it. I was dissuaded from tackling the…
Like Being Rich
January 12th, 2009 When I first began my quest for grad school, a friend told me “Going back to school as an adult is like being rich.” I’m not sure I totally understood what she meant. But last week I got a taste. The State-owned museums here in London have no admissions fees. So I…
Search for an apartment and apparently, intelligent life as well.
Originall published: November 23rd, 2008 Last year I found a cute little garden place in London. It was about seven blocks from my friend Sophie’s house so we snapped it up. Then, well, the difficulties interfered and I didn’t go. So, once again, I have been scrolling through Craig’s List looking at all apartments sorted…